Posts By: Kathleen Cavanaugh

Avoid Costly Employee Overtime Lawsuits by Automating Your Time and Attendance Systems

overtime lawsuits time and attendance systems

“You have an overtime lawsuit on your hands” is probably one of the scariest statements a business could ever hear! Believe it or not, overtime hours can become the basis of an expensive lawsuit if employers do not track employee time appropriately. Here’s what you should be asking yourself…Is your time keeping system robust enough… Read more »

How to find a great VAR for your ERP Systems: Tips for picking the right partner.

time and attendance VAR choices

Shopping for an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System? Purchasing a new ERP accounting system can be a daunting task. ERP systems have lots of moving parts that undoubtedly touch all aspects of your company. Using a VAR to help you navigate the process can be a big help. The acronym VAR stands for Value Added… Read more »

From the Help Desk – Is your time clock ready for a power surge?

protect your software hardware with surge protector

Last month our help desk fielded numerous calls about clock malfunctions due to power surges. Power surges occur when the steady flow of electricity suddenly spikes, boosting the electrical charge in power lines, which can increase the electrical current to your outlet. There are a several things that can cause this to happen, like bad… Read more »

Sierra Workforce Solutions Achieves CfMD Status from Microsoft

Sierra Workforce Certified for Microsoft Dynamics

Sierra Workforce Solutions announced today that its TimeMaster Integration Application, a bi-directional program that interfaces timecard systems with accounting/payroll systems, is now Certified for Microsoft Dynamics, which signifies that the solution has met Microsoft Corp.’s highest standard for partner-developed software. By successfully meeting all certification requirements, the TimeMaster Integration Application can now carry the distinct… Read more »

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Affordable Care Act and Time & Attendance. Are you ready?

ACA and workforce time tracking

Navigating the legislation behind the new Affordable Care Act can be a confusing process. Due to the complexity of employee tracking and ever changing benchmarks, employers need to be prepared for an audit of their employee time entries. Having a secure, accurate time & attendance system in place is step one in guaranteeing that you… Read more »

Biometric Time Clocks and Why You Should Care

biometrics infographic

Think time and attendance is boring?   We are out to change your minds today with a primer on biometrics and how they play a huge part in the time and attendance industry. What are biometrics? The term “biometrics” applies to the measurement of unique physical attributes, for example your fingerprint, veins in your palm, topography… Read more »

5 Questions to ask about your Time & Attendance System

Sierra solutions

Thinking about Automating your Time & Attendance Tracking? Five Questions to Ask Before You Begin:  1. How many employees do you need to track?  Do you need to track all of your employees?  Only one location?  Just hourly workers?  Most time and attendance systems have a way to track a blend of hourly and salaried… Read more »

GPUG Amplify 2017 Observations

Sierra Workforce Solutions Time Managment

The Sierra Workforce Solutions team recently headed south to lovely Anaheim, California for the second annual GPUG Amplify, in cooperation with Microsoft, conference.  We packed our bags with great excitement and gratefulness for a West Coast event. First, a little background about the GPUG Amplify conference. GPUG Amplify was conceived after the discontinuing of Microsoft’s “Convergence”… Read more »

Top 10 Steps to Prepare for Automating Time & Attendance

Thinking about upgrading or implementing a time and attendance system for your company? Worried about an overtime lawsuit?  ACA compliance regulations have you stressed?  Start here!  The team at Sierra has put together a handy list of the top ten steps to keep in mind.  This list is a great way to kick start your time… Read more »

Avoid Costly Lawsuits by Automating Your Time & Attendance Systems

“You have a lawsuit on your hands” this is probably one of the scariest statements a business could ever hear! Believe it or not overtime can become the basis of a lawsuit come audit time if employers and employees do not track their time appropriately. According to Federal class actions brought under the Fair… Read more »