Company Timeline

Sierra Computer is Founded

Sierra Computer is Founded

1987 Sporting our “Big Mountain” logo, Sierra Computer Solutions is launched in Fair Oaks, California.  Specializing in time clock sales and simple integrations into accounting packages.

First Website

First Website

In 1998, Sierra launched our first official website-“”.

Launched SCSINT

Launched SCSINT

Drumroll please, Sierra launched our own proprietary bi-direction interface.  “Sierra Computer Solutions Integration”-nicknamed  “SCSINT” We are no longer just time clocks and simple integrations!

Sierra Moved to New Office

Sierra Moved to New Office

We have outgrown our office space. Moved to new space located the next town over, in Folsom California.

Sierra Releases TIA, Our Bi-Directional Workhorse

Sierra Releases TIA, Our Bi-Directional Workhorse

Sierra launches our “TimeMaster Integration Application”–referred to as TIA. TIA provides a bi-directional bridge between a given timekeeping package and a given accounting / payroll package. Sierra Workforce Solutions developed TIA to interface time card systems with accounting/payroll systems.  The program transfers data in two directions – it passes time card data from the time card system to the accounting/payroll system, and populates the time card system database with employee and organizational information from the accounting/payroll system.  Transfer of employee data has been

Company Makeover

Company Makeover

Time for a makeover! Gave our logo and company name a makeover to focus the brand on our software integrations and workforce tools, not just time clocks.  Re-launched our website with our newly adopted company name Sierra Workforce Solutions.

More Makeover

More Makeover

In preparation for our upcoming 25th anniversary, gave ourselves another mini makeover.  Face lift for our company logo, new website layouts, and product line logos.

Celebrating 25 Years of Time & Attendance!

Celebrating 25 Years of Time & Attendance!

Celebrating 25 years of successful implementations and integrations! Thousands of happy clients later, our bi-directional interface works with any payroll system and most accounting packages.  Job costing, shift differentials, access control, mobile solutions, you name it.  Sierra is here to help you save both time and money.  We are a Microsoft and Sage certified solution.

Sierra Achieves CfMD Status

Sierra Achieves CfMD Status

Sierra Workforce Solutions announced today that its TimeMaster Integration Application, a bi-directional program that interfaces time card systems with accounting/payroll systems, is now Certified for Microsoft Dynamics, which signifies that the solution has met Microsoft Corp.’s highest standard for partner-developed software.  

Celebrating our CfMD Status!

“We have a long history with Microsoft and are proud to have earned our CfMD certification.  At Sierra we aim to stay ahead of the curve with our software development. Our clients and partners should know that creating and maintaining the best, seamlessly integrated, time and attendance product is always our end goal,” stated Mike Christiansen, President, Sierra Workforce Solutions.

Sierra Moves to New Offices

Sierra Moves to New Offices

Sierra moved to a lovely new office space.  We now have room to grow, great meeting space, light rail access, plenty of parking and fiber optic cable in the building!   Ready for the next 25 Years!

KEY2ACT Integration Releases

KEY2ACT Integration Releases

Sierra releases our new integration to KEY2ACT.   This integration comes with some great features, such as built in menu-narrowing and a handy mobile app.  This Cadillac of integrations to KEY2ACT takes management of field service workers to the next level!

Olympic Project Cost Integration Launches

Olympic Project Cost Integration Launches

Our integration combines the capabilities of two long-standing Dynamics GP ISV solutions.  Sierra has successfully launched our TimeMaster integration to Olympic Systems Project Cost.  Transfer jobs and/or time using TimeMaster to enhance your Olympic System Project Cost experience.